- Course Offerings
- Course Catalog
- How to Petition Courses
Quarter |
Course |
Professor |
Fall 2024 |
GSS 20: Intro to Global South Studies (x2) GSS 27: Southeast Asian History & Culture |
Winter 2025 |
GSS 27: Southeast Asian History & Culture |
Troy Kokinis |
Spring 2025 |
GSS 21. Africa: History, Culture, and Politics
Bright Gyamfi |
ANSC 104. The US-Mexico Border
ANSC 142. Anthropology of Latin America
ANTH 108. Indigenous Peoples, Extractive Development, and Climate Change
COMM 104G. CMS: Latin America and the Caribbean
ETHN 170. Slavery and the Atlantic World
HIAF 111. Modern Africa since 1880
HIEA 137. Women and Family in Chinese History
HIEA 155. China and the Environment
HILA 121A. History of Brazil through 1889
HILA 122. From Colony to Socialist Republic: Cuba
LTAF 120. Literature and Film of Modern Africa
LTAM 110. Latin American Literature in Translation
LTEA 151. Readings in Tagalog Literature and Culture I
LTSP 135A. Mexican Literature before 1910
POLI 134D. Selected Topics in Latin American Politics
SOCI 139. Social Inequality: Class, Race, and Gender
ETHN 119. Race in the Americas
HIAF 113. Small Wars and the Global Order: Africa and Asia
HIEA 140R. China since 1978
HILA 102. Latin America in the Twentieth Century
HISC 109. Invention of Tropical Disease
LTEN 189. Twentieth-Century Postcolonial Literatures
LTSP 135B. Modern Mexican Literature
LTSP 172. Indigenista Themes in Spanish American Literature
LTAM 110. Latin American Literature in Translation
LTEA 100A. Classical Chinese Poetry in Translation
SOCI 188E. Community and Social Change in Africa
ANSC 135. Indigenous Peoples of Latin America
ETHN 142. Medicine, Race, and the Global Politics of Inequality
HIAF 112. West Africa since 1880
HIEA 131. China in War and Revolution: 1911–1949
HIEA 138. Women and the Chinese Revolution
HILA 132. Modern Mexico: From Revolution to Drug War Violence
HINE 116. The Ottoman Empire, Iran and Egypt (1798–1914)
HINE 120. The Middle East in the New Century
LTSP 134. Literature of the Southern Cone
LTSP 175. Feminisms, Gender, and Sexuality in Latin America
LTAM 111. Comparative Caribbean Discourse
LTEA 100B. Modern Chinese Poetry in Translation
LTEA 110C. Contemporary Chinese Fiction in Translation
POLI 150A. Politics of Immigration
SOCI 139. Social Inequality: Class, Race, and Gender
SOCI 158. Islam in the Modern World
ANSC 137. Chinese Popular Religion
COMM 158. Representations of the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict
Quarter | Course | Professor |
Fall 2023 |
GSS 20: Intro to Global South Studies |
Joy Siapno |
Winter 2024 |
GSS 22: Latin American and Caribbean History & Culture GSS 27: Southeast Asian History & Culture |
Troy Kokinis |
Spring 2024 |
GSS 20: Intro to Global South Studies GSS 25: Middle East History & Culture |
Amanda Batarseh |
Spring 2024:
ANSC 137. Chinese Popular Religion
ANSC 142. Anthropology of Latin America
ETHN 126. Comparative Filipino and Vietnamese American Identities and Communities
HIAF 113. Small Wars and the Global Order: Africa and Asia
HIEA 132. Mao’s China, 1949–1976
HILA 101. Nation-State Formation, Ethnicity, and Violence in Latin America
HILA 119. Central America: Popular Struggle, Political Change, and US Intervention
HINE 118. The Middle East in the Twentieth Century
LTSP 135A. Mexican Literature before 1910
LTSP 116 Representations of Spanish Colonialism (*with petition form)
POLI 150A. Politics of Immigration
SOCI 139. Social Inequality: Class, Race, and Gender
SOCI 188D. Latin America: Society and Politics
COMM 114A Human Rights and Communication (*with petition)
COMM 114B Human Rights Advocacy (*with petition form)
HIAF 114 Black Internationalism (*with petition form)
LTWL 184- Film Studies and Literature: Close Analysis of Filmic Text "Bollywood" (*with petition form)
LTEN 181D- Asian American Literature "Transoceanic Film Corridors." (*with petition form)
Winter 2024:
COMM 158. Representations of the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict (4)
ETHN 170. Slavery and the Atlantic World
HIAF 111. Modern Africa since 1880
HIAF 112. West Africa since 1880
HILA 102. Latin America in the Twentieth Century
LTAM 110. Latin American Literature in Translation
SOCI 139. Social Inequality: Class, Race, and Gender
SOCI 158. Islam in the Modern World
COMM 111B: Global Borders: Communication and Conflict (*by petition)
LTWL 180 Film Genres (*with petition)
LTCS 172 "Disco Era Cinema" (*with petition)
Fall 2023:
HIEA 137. Women and Family in Chinese History
HILA 122. From Colony to Socialist Republic: Cuba
HILA 162. Special Topics in Latin American History
LTAF 120. Literature and Film of Modern Africa
LTAM 111. Comparative Caribbean Discourse
LTEA 110C. Contemporary Chinese Fiction in Translation
LTSP 135A. Mexican Literature before 1910
LTSP 172. Indigenista Themes in Spanish American Literature
POLI 134D. Selected Topics in Latin American Politics
SOCI 185. Globalization and Social Development
Quarter | Course | Professor |
Fall 2022 |
GSS 20: Intro to Global South Studies |
Joy, Siapno |
Winter 2023 |
GSS 22: LatinAm Carib History Culture GSS 27: SE Asia History & Culture |
Troy, Kokinis Joy, Siapno |
Spring 2023 |
No Global South Studies will be offered this quarter |
Spring 2023:
HIAF 111. Modern Africa since 1880
HILA 114. Dictatorships in Latin America
HILA 121A. History of Brazil through 1889
LTEN 189. Twentieth Century Postcolonial Literatures
Spanish (texts read in Spanish)
LTSP 172. Indigenista Themes in Spanish American Literature
Literatures of the World (texts read in English)
LTAF 120. Literature and Film of Modern Africa
POLI 134D. Selected Topics in Latin American Politics
POLI 146A. The U.S. and Latin America: Political and Economic Relations
POLI 150A. Politics of Immigration
SOCI 158. Islam in the Modern World
Winter 2023:
HIAF 111. Modern Africa since 1880
HILA 114. Dictatorships in Latin America
HILA 121A. History of Brazil through 1889
LTEN 189. Twentieth Century Postcolonial Literatures
Spanish (texts read in Spanish)
LTSP 172. Indigenista Themes in Spanish American Literature
Literatures of the World (texts read in English)
LTAF 120. Literature and Film of Modern Africa
POLI 134D. Selected Topics in Latin American Politics
POLI 150A. Politics of Immigration
Fall 2022:
HIEA 137. Women and Family in Chinese History
HILA 132. Modern Mexico: From Revolution to Drug War Violence
LTSP 140. Latin American Novel
LTAM 110. Latin American Literature in Translation
SOCI 185. Globalization and Social Development
Please continue to check the website for updates.
Quarter | Course | Professor |
Fall 2021 |
GSS 25: Middle Eastern Literature: Arab Worlds in the Thousand and One Nights |
Amanda Batarseh |
Winter 2022 | GSS 22: Latin American Literature. Rhyme and Rhythm of Violence: Contemporary Latin American Poetry |
Spring 2022 |
GSS 20: Cinema of the Global South, Iranian Cinema *This course can also count as GSS 25 for majors and minors |
Winter 2022:
ANSC 165. Contemporary South Asia
HIAF 111. Modern Africa since 1880
HIEA 131. China in War and Revolution: 1911–1949
HILA 102. Latin America in the Twentieth Century
LTAM 110. Latin American Literature in Translation
LTEN 189. Twentieth Century Postcolonial Literatures
LTSP 135B. Modern Mexican Literature
LTSP 140. Latin American Novel
POLI 134D. Selected Topics in Latin American Politics
POLI 150A. Politics of Immigration
SOCI 158. Islam in the Modern World
SOCI 185. Globalization and Social Development
Fall 2021:
Ethnic Studies
ETHN 142. Medicine, Race, and the Global Politics of Inequality
HIAF 112. West Africa since 1880
HIEA 137. Women and Family in Chinese History
HILA 101. Nation-State Formation, Ethnicity, and Violence in Latin America
LTEA 100B. Modern Chinese Poetry in Translation
LTEA 110C. Contemporary Chinese Fiction in Translation
POLI 146A. The U.S. and Latin America: Political and Economic Relations
SOCI 139. Social Inequality: Class, Race, and Gender
Please continue to check the website for updates.
Quarter | Course | Professor |
Fall 2020 |
TWS 20: Intro to Third World Studies: Cinema of the Third World, Iranian Cinema *This course can also count as TWS 25 for majors and minors |
Babak Rahimi |
Winter 2021 | TWS 22: Latin American Literature | |
Spring 2021 |
TWS 20: Intro to Third World Studies: Colonial Legacies, Post-Colonial Entanglements / Disentanglements |
Summer I 2021 (cancelled due to COVID-19) |
Global Seminars in Granada, Spain: TWS 21GS: African Literature: Islam and Immigration |
Spring 2021
ANSC 137: Chinese Popular Religion
ANSC 142: Anthropology of Latin AmericaANSC 165: Contemporary South Asia
Ethnic Studies:
ETHN 142: Medicine, Race, and the Global Politics of Inequality
HIAF 112: West Africa Since 1880
HIAF 111: Modern Africa since 1880
HILA 122: From Colony to Socialist Republic: Cuba
HILA 132: Modern Mexico, Revolution to Drug War Violence
LTSP 136: Andean Literatures
LTSP 140: Latin American Novel
Political Science:
POLI 150A: Politics of Immigration
SOCI 187:
African Societies Through Film
Winter 2021:
HILA 102 Latin America in the Twentieth Century
HILA 131 A History of Mexico
HILA 162 Special Topics in Latin American History: Politics of Development
LTAM 110 Latin American Literature in Translation
LTEN 189 20th Century Postcolonial Literatures: Pacific Island Literatures
LTSP 135B Modern Mexican Literature
LTSP 172 Indigenista Themes in Latin American Literature
SOCI 188D Latin America: Society & Politics
SOCI 139 Social Inequality: Class, Race, and Gender
Fall 2020:
HILA 121A: History of Brazil through 1889
HILA 162: Special Topics in Latin American History
HILA 101 Nation-State Formation in Latin America
HIAF 113: Small Wars and the Global Order: Africa and Asia
HIEA 137 Women and Family in Chinese History
LTEN 189: Twentieth-Century Postcolonial Literatures
LTSP 135A: Mexican Literature Before 1910
LTAM 110: Latin American Literature in Translation
Political Science:
POLI 134D: Selected Topics in Latin American Politics
POLI 146A. The U.S. and Latin America: Political and Economic Relations
SOCI 185. Globalization and Social Development
Fall 2020-Spring 2021:HIAF 111: Modern Africa Since 1880
More information:
Global South Studies Course Descriptions
For advising questions, please contact the Global South Studies Program through the Virtual Advising Center (VAC)