Upcoming Events
Recordings of Guest Lectures and Events for Global South Studies 20 and 27, Southeast Asian History
Feb. 7, 2024 Southeast Asian History, Kim Ninh
Feb. 19, 2024 Mentawaian History, Hendro Sangkoyo
Feb. 21, 2024 History of the Armed Front and Clandestine Front, Timor Leste/East TImor, Maun Ete Uku (Aquilino Guterres)
May 18, 2023 Multispecies Conviviality, Michael Tan
January 26, 2024. Environmental Justice in Southeast Asia. Speakers: Sheila Coronel, Demetrio Carvalho, Therese Tam Nguyen, Kim Ninh, Joy Siapno, Matt Vitz.
Past News and Events
2022 - 2023 Events
April 26, 2023: Global Forum x Global South Studies: Faculty Roundtable
April 13, 2023: Book Talk: Making Peace with Nature: Ecological Encounters Along the Korean DMZ w/ Eleana Kim
March 15, 2023: Paradoxes and Dilemmas of the Chilean Political Process: From Social Revolt to the Failed Constitutional Reform
January 26, 2023: Enviornmental and Climate Justice in Southeast Asia
April 20, 2021: Secularism versus Religion in Iran: The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam as Sedition with Juan R. I. Cole
April 27, 2021: Empires, European Colonialism, and Modern Social Theory Gurminder Bhambra
May 12, 2021: On Photographic Monumentalism Professor Ali Behdad.
May 19, 2021: Baraka Bodies: Thinking with and Through Devotional Image-Objects in Everyday Shiʿism in South Asia with Karen Ruffle
May 24, 2021: Global South Studies workshop: program mission and future
February 16, 2021: From A(shura) to Z(oroaster): European Depictions of Religious Rituals in Safavid Iran with Elio Brancaforte
February 23, 2021: The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam: A New Translation from the Persian with Juan R. I. Cole
February 23, 2021: Global South Theatre with a Focus on Iran with Nasser Rahmaninejad
February 26, 2021: "Truth and the Power of Naming in Machine Learning Datasets: A Foucaultian Analysis" with Razvan Amironesei
November 17, 2020: Violence and Repair with Judith Butler
November 11, 2020: ¡Presente!: The Politics of Presence with Diana Taylor
November 10, 2020: Citizens of the Whole World: Anti-Zionism and the Cultures of the mid-century Jewish-American Radical Left with Benjamin Balthaser
October 28, 2020: Young Voters and the Coming Transformation of American Politics with David Faris
December 2, 2019: "Both Eastern and Western: An Intellectual History of Iranian Modernity" Lecture with Afshin Matin-Asgari, CSU-Los Angeles
October 24, 2019: "Under the Shadow" Film Screening with the Program for the Study of Religion
May 2, 2019: Crossing Borders Symposium
April 24, 2019: Discussion with Professor Sayak Valencia on Gore Capitalism
May 9, 2018: "Trump is Causing Chaos in the Middle East" talk with Reese Erlich
April 5, 2018: Yemen After the Arab Spring: Vicissitude of a New Constitution
January 31, 2018: The Capital of Israel? Israeli Settlements and the Annexation of East Jerusalem
January 12, 2018: Digital Persianate
January 11, 2018: Shahram Khosravi- After Deportation: The Case of Afghan Deportees
October 25, 2017: The Travel Ban: The Politics of Immigration in the US